Your Backup

Backup as a Service

Protect your company against data loss and ensure continuity of all processes.
With Abiverse you will do it effectively.

Why us?

We are a team of top-tier IT security specialists and use the latest IT technologies. We provide dedicated backup solutions that secure the future of your business goals. We optimize and streamline processes in both small businesses and large corporations.

Soul of the company

Don't take risks - protect your company against data loss

Backup as a Service is a service that thoroughly protects all of your organization’s valuable data. Because the data is outside your organization, we will restore it anywhere possible. In the event of a disaster, your business will be back up and running quickly, without long, costly downtime.

Don’t risk weeks of downtime – provide your company with a backup! We will prepare the necessary backup for you, which will expressly restore your business to work.

Backup as a Service is a comprehensive service that provides monitoring, reporting and backup management. As part of BaaS, we will update and secure your organization’s sensitive data. You don’t need servers or new software to implement backup. All you need to do is install a backup agent. We will take care of the rest.

Every system failure in your business involves losing a lot of money. Backup will protect your business from losses.

Soul of the company

Why does your organization need BaaS?

  • Technology can be unreliable. Even when you least expect it, you can lose, for example, a project you worked on for years. With a backup, you’ll be back to work in no time.
  • Organizations that use the Internet in their work are at risk of losing valuable data. More than 60% of companies that lost sensitive data were gone within six months. Backup as a Service will protect your organization from closure.

Without backup, you expose your company to huge financial losses.

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Discover the advantages of BaaS

  • You don’t need to invest in expensive hardware and software, dedicated to backups,
  • You are guaranteed that all sensitive data is safe in one place,
  • Backups are monitored and updated on a regular basis. In the event of a disaster, you will recover the latest version of your data.
  • Backup as a Service is definitely less costly for your organization than purchasing dedicated hardware.
Soul of the company

What will we prepare for you in BaaS

  • We will conduct a security audit and the necessary risk analysis of your information systems. We will check the level of cyber security of your system.
  • We will implement a modern backup system.
  • We will monitor your organization’s backups on an ongoing basis.
Soul of the company

Our perspective

We design and implement innovative IT solutions to connect people and technology. One that will generate profits, save time and, above all, increase data security and reduce costs and risks. Everything happens in an atmosphere of very good cooperation and a sense of unity of purpose.

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Abiverse B.V.
Steenovenweg 5
5708 HN Helmond
The Netherlands
KVK: 76915352

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